These are set and enforced by the moderators.
It helps to be funny!
No illegal sh*t!
No spoilers (unless properly marked and warned)!
No racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism or gender discrimination will be tolerated!
Don't be a jerk! Be kind to others. No trolling, harassment, personal attacks, doxing, dog piling or overall a**holery.
No violent threats or incitement to violence!
No disinformation or misinformation. Spread quality information to the community.
No bots!
When in doubt ask. NSFW items should be avoided (unless it's good)!
Don't just sit there! Introduce yourself when you become a member!
Don't be offended if this is not the right community for you. Come and go as you wish. Invite others you think would enjoy and contribute to this community.
Be mindful! This is a public forum. Unless you know how to (i.e. DM) do not share phone numbers, email addresses, home address, locations where you are or will be, etc.
Remember this is a private server! No guarantees it will be around forever or safeguard your data. Use at your own risk!!
Use common internet sense. While people here may seem nice, they may not be. Do not communicate with people you don't know outside this space unless you take precautions.
Unless otherwise noted, this is not a place for kids. 18 and over please.